Bowls Wheelchair
Equaliser or Wedge manual wheelchair customised for bowls

Bowls has long been a popular sport in Australia. It’s fun, social and easy to learn. It is also one of our most accessible sports. It can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of age, gender, physical ability or experience level.
Bowls Australia have a fantastic philosophy, wanting to create an inclusive atmosphere at all levels.They must also of course ensure that no bowler causes any damage to the all-important playing surface. That’s where we come in. Mobility Plus can custom build our Australian designed and made wheelchairs to conform with Bowl’s Australia’s Artificial Devices Policy.
Our bowls chairs are typically based on our Wedge or Equaliser models. They are scripted for the client in terms of the size and available features, just as we would for any other wheelchair. Most importantly for use on the bowling green, we can include compliant wider, soft tread rear and front wheels. We also take into consideration the centre of gravity, stability and the often-crucial seat height of the wheelchair. We want you to be in the optimal position so that you when you line up on the mat you can have you best chance to bowl a draw and avoid the ditch.
Fixed, folding or lift out backrest
Adjustable rear wheel position to change balance point
Adjustable front & rear height to change seat height & angle
Angle and depth adjustable footplate
Breathable, padded upholstery with adjustable tension
Precision sealed bearings
Fixed or lift out backrest
Push handles
Adjustable rear wheel position to change balance point
Adjustable front & rear height to change seat height & angle
Folding footplates
Breathable, padded upholstery
Precision sealed bearings
Optional Extras:
Bowls holders – trays or bags
As per Wedge & Equaliser