The adaptable cradle subframe

TINA is a cradle subframe which can be supplied with a cradle system and which also serves as a base frame for special cradle constructions.
• Care and therapeutic activities are made easier through electrical height adjustment. • The angle adjustment of the head section also takes place via an electric motor, and the foot section adjustment is supported by a gas pressure spring. • Pre-setting of the seat angle is possible by dividing the lying surface into three. • The vacuum cushion is an ideal supplement, which allows individual positioning even with extreme contractions and pressure sensitivity. • The basic model is already equipped with a drum and parking brake, and 12.5” rear wheels and 8” front wheels are used • Electrical height adjustment of the lying surface for transfer and for therapy. The angle adjustment of the head section and foot section allow a temporary position change up to a sitting position. • The basic model as subframe with universal mounting points for individual designs • Vacuum mattress • Adjustment of the seat angle • Cradle system in three sizes as a basis for special padding